Hello World

Posted on by Mandla Mbuli

Let me finally add something either than the fact that I am a final year student at Wits because lets face it, I will not be a final year student for long. This is my blog, I am not sure yet what will go on here, maybe thoughts, maybe tutorials maybe Maths maybe notes. I don’t know. I will enjoy it.

This is essentially the first blog post of this blog and I thought I would just write about my website.


First I want to talk about the blog, if you look at the bottom of the page, you will see that the blog is generated by Hakyll. This reflects my current fascination with Haskell. Hakyll is apparently inspired by some Github/Ruby thing called Jekyll, I did not bother. Ruby is something that is just there for other people.

Hakyll is cool, its like sphinx, only simpler (LIE!, I’m just excited about my new blog :-)). I write a whole bunch of markdown files, put them inside a folder called posts. Say the magic words (./site build) and magically I get html files which I give to my host to show to the world. Magic!


The website is little more difficult. I don’t what I am doing with that thing. I just have it cause its cool to have “web: http://mandla.me” at the end of my email :-). I thought hey, I work with HTML and Javascript and CSS so why not use my website to learn these things so thats what I tried to do and then got bored and well let it purple. One day maybe I will make a Kivy inspired Javascript framework, or maybe I won’t.
