Purescript with Vue.js - Getting started

Posted on by Mandla Mbuli

The project

The project is called Jima, the Zulu spelling for the verb form of gym. It is a simple timer I can use at Gym. Very basic. I used the following commands to get it started.

cd ~/Projects/jima
git checkout --branch purescript-vue



For proper instructions on how to install Vue.js, the official documentation is probably best. I installed the @vue/cli because I want it to scaffold the project for me. I also want the single file components which I really like about Vue.js.

npm install @vue/cli

This will result in an error:

npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/leny/Projects/jima/web/package.json'

Which is fine. It also creates a package.json and node_modules directory. These will be deleted soon.

The reason being, if I try to install anything globally with node I get a permission error and I have not gotten around to fixing.

pro tip: nvm is probably a better way to install node than the way I have it installed.


yarn vue create web
Vue.js bootstrap screenshot

Answer the questions and then “Hello, world”:

cd web
yarn serve

Now you can see the Vue app on http://localhost:8080

If you think you will need the cli again, you can install it again:

yarn add @vue/cli

So wasteful, just install the cli globally, caches don’t exist.