Purescript with Vue.js - Starting over

Posted on by Mandla Mbuli

2020 happened. I didn’t code for like a month at around the start of lockdown (I stay in South Africa if you’re wondering) and I didn’t have my personal laptop where I was staying so this project just… stalled.

Now I wanna start afresh and obviously a few things have changed. I am not using emacs anymore for example, so this post in written in markdown cause I don’t feel like setting up orgmode for vim and I assume the way purescript works has changed. So I am just gonna spend some time getting started again. I think a plan is also in order now. So here goes:

  1. Get started with Purescript to see what has changed.
  2. Get started with vue to see what has changed.
  3. Add authentication
  4. Deploy using nixops
  5. Add some authorization

Let’s see
