Getting started with Scala

Posted on by Mandla Mbuli


  • Haskell is not getting through
    • Error handling
    • Monads
    • Not very productive (yak shaving)
    • Slow compilation
    • Not a lot of people explaining at my level
    • I already have ideas on how to improve my osisi code
  • Happy path programming
    • ZIO
  • How do I learn
    • Explore and document how I learn
    • Blog revival

First steps

  • Exercism
  • Rock the JVM
  • Dev inside you

How learn notes

  • many views (usually positive, gives motivation a little)
  • differing views (experience says there is always pain and knowing about it can make it easier)


  • From:
  • Next I need to figure out if I was to use the script
    • curl it to a tmp dir

    • install cousier

      • cousier setup –jvm graalvm –apps ammonite,bloop,cs,giter8,sbt,scala,scala3-repl,scalafmt
    • add to PATH (wonder what the JAVA_HOME does for my JAVA):

      export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/share/coursier/bin"
      # there was a warning about -Xverify so redirect errors when I did this, so /dev/null
      coursier java --jvm graalvm --env 2> /dev/null 
    • added to my config
